相信好多人都會認為「五袋」設計係牛仔褲嘅靈魂,前後兩袋加前側嗰個鬼鬼鼠鼠唔知做咩嘅細袋仔。外國好多人叫佢做「Coin pocket」,亦有人稱呼佢為Condom pocket、 Match pocket、 ticket pocket……但,其實呢堆名統統都反映唔到設計原意。😱😱

牛仔褲係19世紀外國社會嘅Work pants,Cowboy、礦工同工廠人工都習慣著佢嚟開工。其實,當時牛仔褲只得4個袋。直到1879年,牛仔褲品牌Levi's率先研發出全球首條5袋牛仔褲,喺前袋上加多個細細但又好顯眼嘅袋仔。原來呢個袋係專為當年盛極一時嘅潮物「袋錶」(Pocket Watch)而設💁‍♂️💁‍♂️。話說當時袋錶從上流社會漸漸流入普羅階層,令致擁有嘅人愈來愈多,就好似當今人人手上一部智能手機咁。

而Levi’s設計嘅Watch Pocket就係剛剛好放得落一個袋錶嘅Size,有保護功能,小袋位置顯眼,方便易取,將袋錶鏈扣扣上皮帶圈,就可輕易地抽出袋錶睇時間(應該主要係睇下幾時收工)。🤣🤣🤣

雖然大家早已唔再用袋錶,但呢個設計仍保留過百年,成為當今每條牛仔褲嘅設計靈魂。呀!其實Levi’s會唔會真係考慮喺牛仔褲Somewhere加返個Fit Fit長袋,等個電話唔使成日一坐低就跣出嚟呢!😉😉

❣️大家鍾唔鍾意呢個Fun Fact新Item?



The Secret Between Watches⌚ and Jeans👖
What do you think about the iconic design for denim jeans? Someone says: “5-pocket”. Two front pockets, two back one and the curious little one at the corner called “Coin pocket”. We all recognize that common current use, but that’s not what it was invented for.😱😱😱


The earliest jeans only had four pockets, but the weird fifth one is even present on the oldest pair of jeans in the Levi’s archive, dating to 1879. 


 The design offered convenience and protection for those who wear jeans for work like American cowboys, miners or factory workers, to contain their treasure of its time: Pocket watch.


According to Levi Strauss, the fifth pocket was "originally included as protection for pocket watches, thus the name, this extra pouch has served many functions, evident in its many titles: frontier pocket, condom pocket, coin pocket, match pocket and ticket pocket, to name a few."


It's also known the other end of the pocket watch clipped to the belt loop or vest’s button hole, the pocket watch would be easy to retrieve.👍🏼👍👍🏿


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